Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chicks Weekend

We spent most of the weekend with Aunt Rachel, Aunt Kim and Katherine. It was great to see Rachel and Katherine. I am so glad the girls got to spent time together.
We also took Emerson to LSU's Ag Magic Saturday morning where she spent time with some more cool chicks. She got to hold day old chicks. I was more impressed than she was I think.

She also liked touching the pigs noses and riding the fake horse. The chickens really cracked her up.

We have a busy week ahead- ReRe is moving into her new house, School on Tuesday, going to Kaki's for awhile on Wednesday, School on Friday, Roman and Gabby's birthday party on Saturday and Quinn and Kelsey's Graduation party is Sunday. I think I am leaving something out... Oh yeh, have to get ready for Denny's birthday next Monday. I am sure I will have pictures of all the events so keep checking back.

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