Friday, March 29, 2013

Dinner with friends

We went to dinner with some friends a few weeks ago and well, this is why we choose to gather at someones house most of the time.  All the kids, in a restaurant, running around, with their parents iPhones...

I did not publish many other pictures that Emerson took with my phone, as I do not think the dads would appreciate it much.  Emerson took pics of all the dads.  I guess she is used to the Moms telling her "No, don't take my picture so get your father".

Tooth #3

It is a very exciting time around here, not only is Em wild with anticipation of Easter, but she lost her 3rd tooth last night.  Very exciting for her because this is the first tooth she actually lost the natural way.  The dentist had to pull her first 2, so she did not get to experience the months of the tooth being loose and wiggling it around and us begging her to just pull it out.  So here she is.  That other big front tooth is also loose and should be come out in a few weeks.
The Tooth Fairy came last night and apparently had lots of time on his hands...


I was at a movie with a friend, so I missed the letter writing and questions to the Tooth Fairy, but apparently they were addressed in the letter back.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kids Night...again

We grabbed a quick dinner and took advantage of Izzo's Kids Night last night.  This design is a departure from what she usually requests on her face. She was very proud and insisted on a photo.

Finding the light

We are still getting adjusted to the new house.  The major issue is this house is cold.  So, in the mornings Duncan finds a sunny spot and takes a long morning nap.

In honor of Dr. Seuss

A few Friday's ago in honor of Dr. Seuss, 1st Grade celebrated his birthday by having Wacky Wear Friday.  She SO got into this and this is what we came up with.