Sunday, March 30, 2008

Miss Independent

What a fun weekend! She is feeling so much better and making up for lost time.

Friday night "ReRe" came over for "pizzie"and helped us hang the alphabet in the playroom. Very large project considering there are 26 letters... Done now and very cute. I will post a picture this week.
Saturday was busy with another "It's My Party" Party and she is a pro at the jump stations and big slides. She is not scared of anything- hit the floor running and never looked back.
Okay, so she looked back, but you know what I mean...

She likes to go down on her belly, feet first.
Denny told Emerson about Ben's party Friday night and how we would go have fun jumping and going down the slides and then sing Happy Birthday. She then asked about cake and ice cream. Once we confirmed cake and ice cream would be served, she talked about it the rest of the night. Clearly she learned of the event WAY to far in advance! Saturday morning we heard her stirring in her bed and the first word out of her mouth was "Cake". She, again, confirmed with us when we got her out of her bed that cake and ice cream would be served. The party was at 1:30- a long time to have to talk about cake and ice cream with a 20 month old that has no concept of time or patience.

She has always been an independent child, but she has this new found sense of independence that I am not sure about. The last few days we have really been spending alot of time outside and she loves it. But she wants to be outside all day. One morning she started asking to go outside at 9am. So, I told her that she could go with Baker- but by herself. She went and got her shoes and proceeded to hang out blowing bubbles, playing with Baker, ringing her bike, playing in her "Beep Beep Car" and walking around the yard(in her pj's I might add). No, I have not lost my mind. It is good for her. I scooped the dog poop and picked up anything she could get into so it was safe. Besides, I can see every move she makes from the living room. Part of me wants her to be this independent, but part of me wonders what it will be like when she is 13!

Happy Birthday Ben we had a blast!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Mommy's little Carni

We spent alot of time outside today. Watering plants, playing with Baker in the yard and blowing bubbles. Aunt Lauren gave her some bubbles this morning and she will not let them out of her site.
You know us carni's, we can turn anything into a carousel and charge $2 to ride. She keeps telling the chicken to "Giddy Up, Giddy Up, Giddy Up".

It is rough playing outside, so we came inside to relax a bit and watch some Doodlebops.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


We have gone from sick to sicker this week. I will spare everyone the infected details, but after a late afternoon trip back to the Doctor, a Rocephin shot and a new antibiotic she is finally starting to feel better. We will be seeing an ENT in 10 days in hopes of giving this child some relief.

Her Daddy always makes bath time fun.

Happy Birthday Uncle Dennis!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Remember my Luck of the Irish wish? Well... the bunny left us something in our baskets- an ear infection.

Yes, Emerson is sick again and I truly am at my wits end. What can I do to keep this child well? I have used so much Clorox in my house we are all going to get chemical poisoning.
We did end up having a good Easter after all. Thank Goodness.

Friday we went to the annual Morgan Family crawfish boil and Emerson had a ball playing, running around and eating lots of crap.
We left there and went to Trina and Michael's to attend the last half of their crawfish boil. This is where it went down hill. She started running a very high fever, shivering and breathing very heavy. Enough to freak us all out. She was up all night. We went to the Doctor's office when they opened Saturday morning only to find she has Ear infection #3. The infection was not only draining from her nose, but from her tear ducks as well. WOW, never experienced that before! Poor thing, she felt so bad and had a very rough Saturday. Saturday evening, after a good long nap, she perked up a bit.

Sunday she felt good enough to attend all the Easter festivities.

We had brunch with Kaki and Papa.We then went to St. Amant and spent the afternoon with Denny's family. Emerson loves to run and play with her cousins. This picture is of her and Roman "sharing" a "snack". Roman wanted to dip Emerson's Frito's into his vanilla ice cream, which worked out well until it was Emerson's turn to dip. Look at the expression on his face!
All in all we had a great Easter.

As far as Emerson's ear infection...I see tubes in her future.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Luck of the Irish

After a very long week, I am hoping the luck of the Irish will be with us. May my family go one week without one of us being sick!! Emerson's stomach virus last week was rough, but she bounced back to her old self.
We are ALL back in full swing and had a fun, busy weekend. Saturday was the St. Patrick's Day Parade at 10am- Caballero's you guys are in big trouble- we had been telling Emerson she was going to see you guys. We had Garrett's B-day party from 12:00-2:00 and Nate's party from 1:30-3:30. Luckily, both parties were at the same place- It's My Party. Emerson had a ball and was exhausted by the time we got home.

With the mad dash trying to get out of the house Saturday morning, I forgot the camera. SO, no picks to post of the parade or the parties, but I did manage to get some shots Saturday evening.
Happy 4th Birthday Nate and Garrett!
And for those of you at Garrett's party that witnessed my child falling of the bench and hitting her head on the floor, clearly under my close supervision, I will not be answering the door or phone this week hoping Child Services does not come to get her. I mean I was sitting right next to her and did not know she had fallen until I heard a loud thump and turned to see what that noise was. ANOTHER REASON TO GIVE ME THE MOTHER OF THE YEAR AWARD!
Anyway, she survived and we had a fun weekend.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have not mentioned Baker yet.
He is great and really loving Emerson on the go. The more she moves the more likely there is to be food to eat on the floor. They really pay alot of attention to each other right now. Most of which is unwanted on Baker's side. Emerson feeds him breakfast and supper everyday, well most, some days she is just not in the mood. She likes to give treats out as well. She talks to him alot and tells him what to do as often as she deems necessary. When she thinks he needs to go outside, she will get right in his face and say, "Baked, you need oweside potty, see tweet tweets?" She also tries to be very courteous to him when he is asleep. She will tell us to "SHHH" with her finger over her mouth and then proceed to go to him on his bed and sit right on top of him. Needless to say, Baker then chooses a much higher location to lounge so she can't get him. Emerson loves to pet and "pat pat" him and gives him lots of kisses.
When Emerson cries, Baker is the first one to her and sits at her door to get her out of bed in the mornings and from naps.

I hope they continue to love each other for a very long time.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Ro-Ro" and Gabby

Emerson loves it when her cousins Roman and Gabby come over to see her. They have lots of fun playing and being silly.

Everyone used to say that Emerson looks like Gabby. Frankly, I never saw it. Sorry. But I do however, think she looks like Roman and you really can see the resemblance here.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wakin' Up is Hard to Do

You remember that old song, "Breakin' Up is Hard To Do"?

Well, I could not have staged this even if I tried. Luckily I had time to go run and get the camera before she really got mad and wanted me to pick her up.

This is what I saw when I walked into her room this morning.

I asked her if she had gotten into a fight during the nightwith one of her animals that she sleeps with. She replied, "Note".
WAKIN' up is hard to do!
Do you know how much hairspray I used in the 80's to get my hair to look like that!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

Okay, so Monday was the rainy day, but we had a blast. Emerson loves to sing in the rain. Not actually out in the rain, but she sings when it rains. We played outside most of the morning until the rain set in.

"Wain, Wain go way. Nover day..."By Monday evening...well see for yourself.

Um, how long has it been since I have changed her shirt and could she look anymore like a dirty little boy?

This next picture cracked us up. I told you how she sings on rainy days...

YO. Easy E is in the his-ouse.

"Apple Bottom Jeans. Boots with the fur..."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My

What a beautiful weekend we had. We took Emerson to the Baton Rouge Zoo for the first time. I have such fond memories of the zoo, we wanted to begin taking her so she will remember it as we do. It is no Audubon Zoo, but they really are trying to update it. They have added a Louisiana section, Kids play section and a Petting Zoo that is very well done.

We spent a few hours there and Emerson had a ball running around. Here are a few friends we met along the way.

Emerson loved the train. She thought she was a real big girl being able to sit on the seat while the train was moving.

We had a great time and she is still talking about it.