Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Since I don't have a camera right now, I will have to post snippets of our conversations.

Emerson: Momma. Wast fwiday when yew wuz not hew I poured water on Buddy.

Me: If I wasn't here where was I?

Emerson: I don't know.

Me: Who was here with you?

Emerson: Daddy

Me: You poured water on Baker Dog?

Emerson: Yep, I sure did.

Me: Why?

Emerson: Wellllll, I poured water on Buddy to make he grow big Momma.

How stupid of me to not have known that!

1 comment:

Tim Purvis said...

That is hilarious! She's a scream...and is she's beautiful. Denny better limit her phone calls and keep his gun handy.