Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not much going on

Emerson went to Kaki's Wednesday. They had lots of fun and she was so tired when I picked her up she fell asleep before I was out of the neighborhood. That yell0w round thing is not a ball, it is a lemon she picked off of Mom's tree and insisted on holding. Today we stayed in- it was supposed to be rainy and nasty. We colored and played. She was a princess for most of the day. She looks like a pissed princess to me.

We have to constantly tell Emerson to not crawl up the side of the couch OR sit on the side of the couch. Last night I think she was really trying to push some buttons and decided to lay down. We got the very dramatic sigh and fake yawn as if she was tired and really going to rest right there.
Emerson is developing quite the personality. As my Mom put it Wednesday, "She has quite an imagination." She is role playing much more and pretends a lot. She runs around the house because bumble bees are chasing her...or a monster...or there is a monster in her room- Just a few examples. I foresee her to be one of those children who tells very elaborate and untrue stories to her teachers. We will see.

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