Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Feeling Yucky

Tuesday was a rough day for Emerson. Monday evening she started to feel bad and started running a high fever. Tuesday morning we went straight to the doctor and she ran 104 fever at the doctor's office. They were concerned about pneumonia and meningitis. Luckily, she just has a very bad sinus infection. After a few hours at the Dr's office, a prescription for an antibiotic and a rocephin shot we made it home. She ran fever the rest of the day and into the night. She woke up this morning doing much better. She is taking it easy at home today and wants to go to school. If the fever stays gone, then she should be good to go on Friday.

It is always smart to keep your vacuum cleaner close when you are not feeling well. I am either training her well or creating a mini-me. Too early to tell.

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