Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas everyone.  Oh and Happy New Year also.  Always playing catchup.  The Holidays went by so fast for us.  Our 2 weeks off were filled with lots of friends, parties and of course Emerson's social schedule was pretty full.  Emerson spent her usual weekend before Christmas in Jackson, MS with Bella and Avery.  That's a tradition we started many years ago and she looks forward to it.  And it is pretty good leverage for behaving!  I will say upfront that I was the WORST photographer this Christmas.  Meaning I took no pictures.  None of Emerson in front of the tree, none of her dressed on Christmas Eve before church, none on Christmas Day with grandparents or even with us.  It was over and I realized we had no pics.  Oh well, there's always next year. 

I did manage to take this one pic of our Christmas tree. 
 Denny and I took her to ride around and look at Christmas lights one evening and we found this yard.  Of course she had to get out and take a picture.
 Emerson and Kaka did their usual Gingerbread house for the Holiday.  Each year the Christmas one seems to get more elaborate.  They made a snow covered village this year. Pretty fabulous.


It is our tradition that on Christmas Eve we make something in honor of Jesus' Birthday.  When she was much smaller we called it "Bakin' Cakes for Jesus".  She too cool for that now... This year we made salt dough ornaments. Emerson and I made the dough on the Eve of Christmas Eve and baked them off that evening.  The three of us sat together in our pj's, listened to Christmas Music and painted our ornaments.  It was a special, sweet time and we all three enjoyed it.

 The notes to Santa this year were pretty elaborate.  Cursive handwriting and pictures.  Fancy...

 Christmas morning we woke to find all of Santa's mess.  Cookie crumbs were everywhere.  How rude...

 I'm keeping the blurry pics in because I have so few...
 Duncan was very excited as well.
 This was his favorite toy.
 And that's all I have for Christmas.  Terrible I know!

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