Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

As in years past, it is our tradition to "Make Cakes for Jesus" on Christmas Eve.  Emerson and I stay in our PJ's all day and make cake, cookies or cupcakes in celebration of the Christ birth.  Denny is usually at work, so him being home this year threw us off a bit.  Emerson wanted to run errands with Denny AND decorate.  This is what we ended up with.  
Christmas Tree Cakes for Jesus

I could not get Duncan's eyes to not glow, so he looks a little evil. The fact that he sat for the picture is a miracle.

She was pretty excited when she unwrapped that iPad.  We all three were pretty excited, as Santa left it for our family.

Lovin' that iPad
Duncan got a stocking full of toys, which lasted him about an hour.  He proceeded to tear up every toy he got.  At least he is one child that played with everything he got!

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