Thursday, March 19, 2015

Art Class

Emerson takes an art class after school that is taught by the Upper school art teacher, Nicole Cotton.  We are huge fans of Nicole's work and are fortunate enough to have a piece of her original art.  This is what Emerson has been working on.

I think the self portrait is my favorite.

Mr. Duncan

To say he is S-E-R-I-O-U-S about his peanut butter would be an understatement.


3rd Quarter

At Dunham, 3rd Grade is all about Little House on the Prairie, The Oregon Trail and all things "Old Timey" as Emerson likes to call it.  The kids just concluded the Little House unit with Prairie Day. The entire grade dressed up and spent the day dancing, eating and playing "Prairie" games off campus.  They made butter, sun catchers, played jacks and marbles, jumped rope and had sunflower seed spitting contests.  All week the kids taste tested Laura Ingalls Wilder recipes.   And the most exciting of all... the dancing...with a boy...
 Emerson's partner was Julian.  It was a pretty fun day for them.  I am pretty glad all this Prairie business is over.

3rd Q grades and conference are this week.  Emerson is doing great and working especially hard to keep her good grades. All A's and a B.  We are very proud of her!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

When Dad is in charge

Several weeks ago, I spent the weekend in bed sick, so Dad was handling things.  You know Denny and Em don't sit idle long, so they spent the weekend doing lots of stuff.  So this was dinner after a Parade.
 And this was breakfast the next morning.
 Seriously...  How is it that 2 people need three donuts?
 And after a nutritious, protein packed breakfast of donuts, they headed to the LSU Vet School Open House.
Fun Times!

Pickle and Goose

So these two, Emerson and Lila, spend a pretty good amount of time together.  Denny and I have always called Emerson "Goose"  and Lila's nickname is "Pickle".  They will find any opportunity to work these nicknames into everything they do.  They have come up with "The Pickle and Goose" Talk Show.  They have talked about a "Pickle and Goose" Comic Book.  And they are thinking ahead to when they start driving and have decided they will have personalized Pickle and Goose license plates. These are some pictures from the last few weeks.

They did each others makeup. Lord help us...

Cruising Perkins Rowe before dinner and a movie.

And these are my favorites.  They think they are so grown-up.

This past Sunday was the last Manship Theatre Kids Club event and production for the year.  It was Pinkalicious.  And as always, they had a great time.

Here they are before the show with Pinkalicious and her brother, Peter.

See you in the Fall Manship! 

Once I get all the Disney Cruise pics together, I will be posting those soon.