Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Old friends

The McDermott's, our friends that moved to Texas a few years ago and who also lived down the street from us when the girls were little, were passing thru during the holidays and spent several hours with us.  It has been way to long since we have seen them and the girls enjoyed being together.  We had a good dinner and got to catch up a little.  It is no secret that Emerson is big for her age and that Isabelle is small for hers...and they are 2 weeks apart...  Crazy huh!!!  Gwendolyn was a little bitty baby when they moved, so it was good to see her.  And to see her wearing an Emerson dress. Em and Isabelle are still into a lot of the same things.  Music, Minecraft, crafts and reading.  They plan to move back ASAP, so we are hoping that happens soon. 

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