Friday, September 21, 2012

Sassy Pop Star Spa Party

These days, at least one day of our weekend is full of friends birthday parties. And just like her father, Emerson lives for the parties.  Last weekend, Emerson's classmate, Stella had a Sassy Pop Star Spa Party.  You just thought I made that up didn't you?  Oh no, this was the party and it was held at the Sassy Spa.  Emerson was extra excited about this party because she has stopped, at least for the time being, biting her fingernails.  She has the longest, prettiest nails now and could not wait to get her nails done. So, here is the Sassy outfit...

And here is the after.  They got their make-up and hair done, as well as, mani's and pedi's.  She was a great time and it was fun to go to a place we have never been before. 


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