**WARNING** This post may contain content only adults should read, so parents, please pre-read this post before allowing kids to read it.
Emerson lost 2 teeth yesterday. Her first 2. And in typical Lazarus fashion, there was much to do around these 2 teeth. The dentist had to remove them. Her adult teeth decided it was way too normal to just come up and push the little teeth out. So, they went around. By around I mean behind and decided that would be a great spot. In order to make room, the baby teeth had to be removed. She did great at the dentist and did not feel a thing. I, on the other hand, was extremely nervous about the whole procedure. She was so excited about the tooth fairy coming and writing a letter to Tooth Tina. For those of you with girls, I am sure you have heard of the book, Silverlicious. It is one of Emerson's favorite and this is where she gets Tooth Tina from. Check it out. By far the best of the Pinkalicious series of books. Emerson wanted to write a note to Tooth Tina. She pointed out that she lost 2 teeth and asked what she did with all the teeth.

Tooth Tina left Emerson this... a $2 bill folded into a basket, 8 chocolate gold coins and a note. A note the size only a Fairy would leave.
This is the adult portion of the post where the kids should stop reading and leave the room. Parents, adults or kids over the age of 10 may read on. The Tooth Fairy (Denny) is a little crazy and must have entirely too much time on his, I mean her, hands. He spent an hour watching You Tube videos on how to fold origami bills. And then to top it off, he made me type the letter in 6 point font and cut it small so it would fold into a little envelope. We proceeded to have a 30 minute discussion about closing the letter with glitter. I had had enough and stopped consulting him and found a jewel sticker to close it up.

The letter said, "Dear Emerson- WOW! 2 teeth at once is exciting. I left you this $2 bill for the 2 teeth you lost. I also left you some chocolate gold coins, in hopes you did not loose your sweet tooth. You asked about what I do with all the teeth. Very good question. I use them as bricks and build things with them. I am sure I will be seeing you again soon. Your fabulously fantastic tooth fairy- Tooth Tina".
Emerson woke up this morning thrilled to find the itty bitty letter..."because fairies are little" she said. I am not sure she thought the $2 bill was real, but we told her how rare they are and she is fine with it now. Of course, She asked to have a chocolate coin and it was only 6am, why not.
This milestone complete.
Until next time, Tooth Tom has lots of thinking to do as how to top this!