Wednesday, February 8, 2012


First things first- Emerson can tie her shoes!!!!!!! To some of you this is not a big deal.  To us, HUGE!

Secondly (not so newsworthy, but funny)- we made a trip to the ENT yesterday.  Oh no, Why you ask? Is she sick you are saying to yourself?  Yes, she is sick...In the head. She stuffed a green bead in her nose and no one at school could get it out.  Yes. A bead...B.E.A.D. So, after a call from school, we made an emergency trip to her ENT and they removed it.  It took 2 of us to hold her down and still and it was out.  Her nose bled for 30 minutes and we were done.  She actually had the nerve to complain about how long we had to wait in the doctors office AND how hard it was for her to breathe AND how scary it was.  Lesson learned...let's hope!

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