Thursday, February 24, 2011

D Tigers 9 - Arsenals 3

Emerson's soccer team won their first game tonight against the Arsenals. Watching kids this age play soccer is amusing to say the least. We laugh so hard on the side lines while the kids run up and down the field. They played well...let me rephrase that...The boys played well and won the game. In defense of the girls, neither of them have played soccer before, but they are learning.

Emerson sizing up her competition. I would LOVE to have heard what she was saying to him with her hand all up on her hip.

The kids were so excited to have won the game. It was so windy, the kids had to play hard against the wind tonight. Take a look at what it did to this one. Thank goodness her hair was pulled back.
Does not look so bad from this angle.

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