Thursday, February 24, 2011
D Tigers 9 - Arsenals 3
Emerson's soccer team won their first game tonight against the Arsenals. Watching kids this age play soccer is amusing to say the least. We laugh so hard on the side lines while the kids run up and down the field. They played well...let me rephrase that...The boys played well and won the game. In defense of the girls, neither of them have played soccer before, but they are learning. 
Monday, February 21, 2011
"D Tigers" Soccer
Emerson has started playing soccer thru the Baton Rouge Soccer Association and her team consists of mostly her classmates. Saturday was their first game, however the other team canceled due to Race for the Cure. We decided to use the time to practice. Funny stuff to say the least. Most of the boys have played soccer before. Emerson and Alyse have not and seem to be the most interested in playing with each other, talking about their pink striped soccer shoes and Justin Beiber. There is another little girl named Kate. She has just turned 4 and her dad plays for the Buffalo Bills. She is very shy and would not even step out on the field Saturday. Hopefully she can get it together.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Her gift to us on Valentine's Day
She cut her hair at school...with kids the art center. The other side is cut also, but it just looks like a jacked up layer or something. I guess the only thing going for her is that her hair is wild and crazy already, so maybe no one will notice. Or that's what I keep telling myself. Her teacher is shocked at how calm I have been about it all. Not much you can do about it now and let's hope she has gotten this out of her system.
There was NOT a section on this in my "You just had a kid and this is what to do with it" book you get when you leave the hospital!!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day 2011
Keeping with his tradition, Denny came through with awesome handmade Valentine's. I however did not make homemade cards this year. He said it was fine because it was not really my tradition in the first place and that I stole it from him...Worked out for me just fine! I did, however, make a fabulous dinner for just the three of us. I let Emerson pick what she wanted me to make JUST FOR HER. She wanted strawberry pancakes and that is what she got. I made Mini Molten Chocolate cakes and she passed it up for candy she got at her school party today. To her it was more important she got to choose.
We had a chocolate fountain for the kids today. They enjoyed that, as did the parents!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
100th day of school
Emerson and her classmates have been counting up to their 100Th day of school. They have anticipated a huge day of fun and snacks associated with this day and focusing on counting up to 100. Last week she complained to me that her throat felt like it sores in it, but never had any fever just a runny nose that almost every kid has right now. Thursday afternoon after school I ran her to the doctor just so they check out her throat and we left the doctors office with a sinus infection and strep throat. Needless to say, I was STUNNED by this as she never ran any fever or seemed like she felt bad. So, the doctor proceeds to tell us both that she could not attend school the next day. Emerson then proceeds to plead with the doctor telling her it is the 100Th day of school and there were going to be games and snacks and fun and to PLEASSSSSSSSSSSE let her go. Tears flowed for hours. She was devastated. We planned our own 100Th day party at home for Friday once Denny got home from work. Friday afternoon Emerson's best friend Isabelle brought her the 100Th day hat she had made at her school in hopes this would make Emerson feel better. It did and that was so nice of Isabelle to think of Em while she was home sick mopping around sad because she was missing a party at school (She is SO her father's child).
We spent the weekend focusing on going back to school on Monday to celebrate the 101st day of school. The kids got to dress in black and white, watch parts of 101 Dalmations and they made and ate Dalmation pudding (vanilla pudding with mini oreos in it). She is glad to be back at school and to listen to her you would think she spent a week at home.
Buddy's last home visit
A few weekends ago, Buddy the class mascot made his last home visit. Buddy did alot of playing with Emerson and he even came with us to see some farm animals at Lamar Dixon. She is sad he will not be coming home with her anymore, but the kids get to take turns being his caregiver at school each day.
Like we just moved in
We are all trying to get used to Emerson's new room. She says it is so different and it's like we moved in. After almost 5 years of her room being one way it is taking awhile to get used to it now. As far as her big bed goes, I am loving it. This weekend when she would wake up and come get in the bed between us, I would slip out and go get in her bed. LOVE IT!
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