So when I got pregnant, I prayed for our baby to have pretty skin, have Denny's outgoing personality and of course that it be healthy. Denny prayed that it look like me, have his personality and that it have his intestinal fortitude.
Emerson had her first stomach virus this week and this was the first time she has ever thrown up. It lasted less than 24 hours. It was a mess to clean up and we thought we lost a few cherished friends. "Marfa" and "Puppy" could not escape and we thought we would have to throw them away. The thought of having to tell Emerson we have to throw these 2 friends away was going to hurt worse than the actual virus itself. So at 1am Friday morning I put "Marfa" and "Puppy" in the wash with the other spoiled lines and hoped for the best. In case you do not remember who these friends are- "Marfa" is the monkey pictured below that was given to her and named after our friend Martha.

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