Saturday, January 30, 2010

Intestinal Fortitude

Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a "Thrower Upper". This is just how my body deals with things. I can't help it. And then there is Denny. I can in 13 years remember one time that he threw up.
So when I got pregnant, I prayed for our baby to have pretty skin, have Denny's outgoing personality and of course that it be healthy. Denny prayed that it look like me, have his personality and that it have his intestinal fortitude.
Emerson had her first stomach virus this week and this was the first time she has ever thrown up. It lasted less than 24 hours. It was a mess to clean up and we thought we lost a few cherished friends. "Marfa" and "Puppy" could not escape and we thought we would have to throw them away. The thought of having to tell Emerson we have to throw these 2 friends away was going to hurt worse than the actual virus itself. So at 1am Friday morning I put "Marfa" and "Puppy" in the wash with the other spoiled lines and hoped for the best. In case you do not remember who these friends are- "Marfa" is the monkey pictured below that was given to her and named after our friend Martha.
"Puppy" is the stuffed dog that looks like Baker pictured below. Denny brought him home, when I was pregnant, from business trip. Emerson loves him and sleeps with him every night.
Much to my surprise and relief, both friends made it just fine! Emerson is much better and starting to eat again. She handled herself much better than I do most times when I am sick, so here's hoping she takes after her father!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Making New friends

Emerson had a play date yesterday with lots of new friends. One of her classmates from school invited us to a play date and it was a blast. The Mom's had just as much fun as the kids. I love this picture. She looks so grown-up. We were playing on the floor and I thought this would be a cute photo.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Denny should never be responsible for the...


In case there was a question, Emerson added the small clips at the end of each pony! As a finishing touch.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Playing catch up

Emerson has been asking for a warm, fuzzy robe like I have for a few weeks now and we finally found one. Apparently, LA does not get a large selection of kids robes because it took me awhile to find one. How cute is this! Old Navy. Emerson likes that it has a hood and pockets. Emerson gets up every morning and runs to the window to see if the fountain is iced over. She also watches for snow. Poor thing.

We received a large selection of very fancy princess dresses when Emerson got home from Isabella and Avery's house. The girls had outgrown either the dresses or the stage where they dress up and they must have known how much Emerson would cherish the gowns. Everyday is like Christmas here as she gets to put on another new dress. Ah to be 3.

You should be scared

Check out these 2 cool cats cruisin' the neighborhood in their new big girl bikes. Emerson and Isabelle both got bikes from Santa and love that they can ride them together. They were so funny and so big on their bikes. These pictures were taken right after Christmas before the cold weather set in. They have not been able to ride since then.

Watch out boys. Don't mess with these 2.