Friday, August 29, 2008

2 going on 12.

So, Denny and I are sitting on the couch watching the news and getting the latest information on Gustav. Emerson comes out of the Playroom all decked out with sunglasses on and a purse on her arm.

Emerson: Bye Bye. I be back.
Me: Where are you going?

Emerson: For a walk.

Me: Okay. Be careful and be back for dinner around 6:30.

Emerson: Okay

She goes out to the backyard. Then she opens the door to the carport and walks out. Closes the door behind her.

Denny and I go out the front door to see exactly where she would go. Of course, I run and get the camera.
I mean really...I wonder what is in her purse??

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