The Skowhegan State Fair celebrated 190 years while we were in Maine, so we went and checked out the Fair. IT WAS THE COOLEST! They had Racing pigs, a giraffe exhibit, horse pulling, steer and oxen pulling, tractor pulling, barrel racing, pig scramble, cattle, goat, poultry, sheep and horse shows and rides for the kids. They also had pie judging, vegetable judging and all those things the true fairs used to have. Skowhegan is about 2 hours from Portland and well worth the trip.

This was the best. They sold carrots to feed the animals. She got to feed them and thought it was the greatest. They also had zebra and a kangaroo with a baby in it's pouch.

They had some of the prettiest poultry I have even seen.

She wanted a did Denny...

I will post some of the crazy pics pics next.