Friday, August 29, 2008

2 going on 12.

So, Denny and I are sitting on the couch watching the news and getting the latest information on Gustav. Emerson comes out of the Playroom all decked out with sunglasses on and a purse on her arm.

Emerson: Bye Bye. I be back.
Me: Where are you going?

Emerson: For a walk.

Me: Okay. Be careful and be back for dinner around 6:30.

Emerson: Okay

She goes out to the backyard. Then she opens the door to the carport and walks out. Closes the door behind her.

Denny and I go out the front door to see exactly where she would go. Of course, I run and get the camera.
I mean really...I wonder what is in her purse??

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Feeling better now

Emerson has not been sick in such a long time and she has felt rotten. Another trip to the Doctor and lots of meds and she is feeling better today.

We went to her school today for a little while so she could meet her new teacher and play in her new classroom. It was a nice break for her- she has been stuck in the house a lot lately.

She is doing so well with potty training. We have been giving her M&M's to help transition going #2 on the potty. It has really helped her and she is not as hysterical now.

Yesterday was Maddie's B-day.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


Em, in all her nakedness, walked herself to the bathroom, sat herself on her little pink potty and went. WAIT it's gets better... She then used half a roll of toilet paper to wipe herself. Then she dumped the waste into the big potty. (Enter Denny to observe and call Me to join in the observation) We then cleaned up the floor and flushed. WHEW HEW!! Big girl.
Maybe this naked thing will work out...

Not much to tell

Let's see. She is sick with a random virus that makes her cough like a dog and gag. Potty training is kind of on and kind of on hold due to the fact that she is sick and coughs like a dog and gags and we don't want to push it right now. She is mortified at the thought of doing #2 in the potty to where she can see it so she holds it for hours which freaks her out and she cries.

This is the only pic I can post because today she has decided that she does not want to wear clothes- NONE. So, she is naked. Not a good idea to post those pictures. I trimmed the "mullet" as Denny so kindly referred to it, off of her hair??
We spent yesterday afternoon, after the doctor, at ReRe's helping out around there. Well, Denny helped and I sat on the couch holding a sad, quiet little girl who fell asleep in my arms.
Her voice is so raspy it sounds like a 60 year old women who has been smoking most of her life. However, I think she feels a little better today. She ate breakfast and drank a little, so that is better than the last few days.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Day 2 went well. She had a few accidents during the AM, but she has been fine since. She is waking up from naps needing to go- even though she has a diaper to sleep. She actually went by herself this morning and did not even tell me she needed to go.

We went to lunch with friends today and she did fine.
She was between big girl panties and her princess dress most of the morning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

End of Day 1- Potty Training

What do you think about the new look?

Today went fine, once she got the hang of this whole potty training business. How long it will last and when will I venture out of the house- not sure yet...

Potty Training


Dress Up

We are getting settled back in to the routine's of life. I think Emerson really missed home and Baker. She is playing with her toys alot. ReRe came over last night and Em spent about an hour walking around the house in her shoes.This morning she was into her cowboy hat and her beaded monkey necklace and wore the accessories around the house. She ordered me to get the camera and "Say Cheese MaMa".

Then she insisted I wear it and we take a picture. So here it is. I look like somebody...a pimp maybe?? I think the glasses really class it up a bit.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Freeport and shopping

We spent one day in Freeport, which is not an hour away from Portland. It is a large shopping town and is best known for L.L. Bean. This place is huge and is like a Bass Pro or Cabella's. This is Emerson sitting on the bug boot.

This is an an aquarium in the fishing section of L.L. Bean.
It is our last day in Maine and we took another boat trip to another island town for lunch. The fog was really bad and wrecked out plans to go to another little island to play on the beach.
Denny and Emerson with the boat in the background.
Em and Kaki.

Portland Children's Museum

One one of the cold, rainy days, we took the kids to the Children's Museum. It was very well done and educational. Way over Em's head, but Rose and Robert had a really good time and spent alot of time there. This is Emerson in the almost real life Fire truck. She's driving.
Emerson driving the Space Station.
Em, Rose and Robert listening to a presentation about something. Well, Rose and Robert listened and Emerson blew in, saw Rose, sat a few seconds and then left.
In the little play ground for the kids, they had this wind thing and the ball bounced on top of it. She thought it was cool to put her face over it.
Outside they had another play area with a big lobster boat and some musical structures the kids could play.

More Dianmond Cove pics

Denny and Emerson at Diamond Cove. Very cute of them.

Me and Em on the boat.
Emerson, Rose and Robert coloring.

A few random pics

She loved the hotel. She especially loved the lady that came in every evening to turn the bed down and leave small lobster chocolates on our pillows. She figured that out real quick.
Being silly with some toys on the boat.
We spent a great day on the boat riding up and down coast. We went to a small island which name escapes me and played on the beach. She had fun until she tripped and fell in the sand and the waves got her in the face. Did I mention she was clothed and the water was VERY cold...
We went to Diamond Cove Island for lunch.
This is from the Fair. No fair would be complete without an ice cream cone.

Crazy bird pics

Check out this duck. Don King...
This is a chicken. Looks like a baboon.

Skowhegan State Fair

The Skowhegan State Fair celebrated 190 years while we were in Maine, so we went and checked out the Fair. IT WAS THE COOLEST! They had Racing pigs, a giraffe exhibit, horse pulling, steer and oxen pulling, tractor pulling, barrel racing, pig scramble, cattle, goat, poultry, sheep and horse shows and rides for the kids. They also had pie judging, vegetable judging and all those things the true fairs used to have. Skowhegan is about 2 hours from Portland and well worth the trip.

This was the best. They sold carrots to feed the animals. She got to feed them and thought it was the greatest. They also had zebra and a kangaroo with a baby in it's pouch.
They had some of the prettiest poultry I have even seen.
She wanted a did Denny...
I will post some of the crazy pics pics next.

Best of Maine Festival in Cumberland

We went to this awesome little festival in Cumberland, which was about an hour drive into Maine from Portland. It had local products like breads, jams, crafts, flowers and lots of great food. They also had fun stuff for the kids and Em had a blast! She drove a tractor... Talked to a oxen...
MOST IMPORTANTLY- Rode a miniature horse named "cupcake". Emerson loved him and if it was up to her father- we would have brought "cupcake" home. She stroked his mane and talked to him the whole time she was riding him.

She rode this cute little train made out of ten gallon drums.

She also got to see cows and color. It was a nice place for her to run and have fun.
More to come...

Back from Maine

We got back from Maine late last night. Horrible travel day, but I won't go into it- Emerson was good considering.
We had a good time. We were based in Portland and took day trips out into other parts of Maine. I will post alot in order to show all the pictures I have.

Emerson proved again to be a great traveler and an even better tourist.

The weather was cold and rainy most of the time, but we still made it out and about to see the sights.

Denny and Em sleeping on the plane.

Emerson checking things out at the Portland airport while we get the luggage.

The Marina where the boat was had these beautiful flower planters. More to come...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

These Boots are made for walkin'

I tried Emerson's boots on her to see if they finally fit her. They do and she had fun playing in them for about 2 minutes then the novelty was gone and she wanted them off.

Now, for more important things. I think I have mentioned that Emerson is really into lizards. Today after the rain stopped, she went outside. She came back in and told me about a lizard she saw. Back outside again. Back in to tell me she touched it. She asked Denny to go back outside with her to see it. Denny picks it up to show it to her and she wants to hold it. So she did.

Although it looks as if she is about to take a bite- she is squealing with excitement!

She put him on the plant to "go home".

We are off to Maine, so we will post once we get back. Should have lots to show then.