If you would have asked me pre-Emerson what I thought about people with blogs, I would have quickly and whitingly told you they clearly have too much time on their hands. Wow, how things have changed. Do I have too much time on my hands... there are moments yes, but I so understand now why people blog- especially when you have a child. I look forward to reading my friends blogs as a way to stay in touch with them. Life is busy and we don't always have time to pick up the phone.
It has been a year since I left work, well my paying job that is, to stay home with this sassy, high spirited, energetic little blessing. I truly never thought I would get pregnant, so everyday I look at her I realize what a miracle she is. Oh, and let's get one things straight- SHE LOOKS LIKE ME! Seriously! I had blond hair, blue eyes and her petite build until I was six. Talk about things changing!
Emerson is 19 months old now and keeping us on our toes. Her personality is really developing and we are starting to get a sense of who she is. She is social and at her best in a crowd- clearly a Denny trait. She gets her anal sense of order from me. Everything has a place and SHE has to put it where it belongs or tell you where it goes. She sees everything as either black or white with no in-between. This clearly comes from me- not always a positive trait. She attends Jefferson Baptist Mother's Day out 2 times a weeks and enjoys it. It has proven to be wonderful experience for both of us so far.
I hope to post often Enjoy!
Thanks Robyn. I always like to keep up with you. Now, you can keep up with us.
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