We spent the first half of the Thanksgiving Holidays working on the large 3rd Grade Louisiana Projects that were due the day they returned back to school from the holiday break. Each child had to make a Louisiana Alphabet book with pretty detailed instructions of what had to be included and how it had to be put together. It had to include pictures the kids drew, pictures of your child with the landmark, brochures, postcards and articles about the items. It was very time consuming, but very interesting. We learned a lot as a family. In the end, it was cool to see it all come together. The other part of the project, was that each child had to make a model of a LA landmark. Emerson chose a New Orleans Street Car. Denny helped her with this part. Came out great. All of these projects came together and were presented at Cajun Nite. 3rd Grader and their parents shared a meal together and the kids displayed their projects. Some pretty amazing work these kids did!

Emerson ended up pretty sick with the flu the weekend before she was to return to school from the break. She missed almost all that week back at school, but got to turn in her projects on time. And ended up making a 100% on both projects. We are all pretty proud of that!