Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LSU vs. Sam Houston State

First home game of the season and it was a great one to take Emerson to.  We had stuff going on during the day, so we didn't get there all that early, but it worked out great.  Cloudy and overcast skies made it perfect to hold off the heat.  Game was a blow out, but she had a ball.  She brought some of her money, so she could buy some "Official Cheerleader Pom-Poms" and cheered the whole time.  Frankly, if she would have hit me in the face with those "official" pom-poms one more time I may have lost it.  


E and LG

So it is no secret these two girls love some One Direction.  And apparently this boy band has come out with a line of perfume...go figure. UGHHH!  Another 1D thing to add to the Christmas list.  And yes, its September and we already have one going. 
The girls and some friends, spent an afternoon doing some painting. Thanks to Courtney for getting them thru it.  May have been a bit advanced and too long of a class for this age group.

The Circus

I remember as a child loving the circus and we always got to go.  Well she is my child.  She loves a circus.  Which is not cheap, by the way, and its definitely not the circus Denny and were used to as kids.  The hour before the performance, they let you in to interact with cast members, try on costumes and see some of the animals. This modern day circus is dark, high energy and full of acrobatic dance performances, strobe lighting and lots of crap to purchase. Gone are the simpler days of a center ring and a clown car...

Alice in Wonderland

The Fall Theatre line up has begun.  Emerson and Lila Grace started it off by attending Alice in Wonderland at Swine Palace.  Such a cute performance and the girls are starting to recognize cast members from going to so many shows. These two always have a great time together.

Family Time

 It is our tradition, that on my first Saturday off, we take off to New Orleans as a family.  We take Emerson to either the Zoo, Aquarium, or the Children's Museum.  We have lunch and make stops at our some of our favorite  shops. We just spend some fun time together.  Emerson wanted to do Kool Zoo. It was one of the hottest days of the summer, but still had a good time and saw more animals than we thought we would, considering the temps.