Friday, March 30, 2012

Right Before Our Eyes

I comment all the time about how Emerson is growing up, how tall she has always been, how people often think she is older than she is and so on.  But Denny and I have never been so aware of how fast she is growing up than right now.

Kindergarten has been such a wonderful year of rapid growth for Emerson.  Physically for sure, but more than that, academically.  Once she started PreK, I started doing "homework" with her after school in order to reinforce what she was learning, but to also get her in the habit of doing the homework that will be required of her the rest of her academic life. Kindergarten brought on alot more homework in order to prepare and transition into 1st grade with no issues.  We still try and keep in perspective the fact that she is 5 years old and is still a kid. I want her to be a kid and play and have fun. All of the extra work is paying off. There has been a real shift in our house.  We no longer read as many books to her, she reads them to us.  There is no more spelling words to Denny, she can sound them out.  And as alot of this generation of kids, she is computer savvy.  Her reading has just exploded and she is testing high in math at this point.  Lord, let's hope so.  Math was not my best subject to say the least!
We had her 3rd Quarter Conference with her teacher last week and I went into it with alot of questions (as usual) and with alot of anxiety as we move into 1st grade.  I feel much better now, after having the conference, that she is beyond ready and we have done exactly what we needed to do, at home and at school, to prepare her.  Of course, she has her days and her moments, as all humans do, but overall, she is doing great.

She makes me so proud everyday and I am happy and very sad all at the same time to watch her growth.  It does go by so fast!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Carpool helper

Duncan had a vet appointment yesterday right before it was time to pick Em up from school.  He typically just sleeps in the car, so I was very surprised he was as into the whole carpool thing as he was. 

"Mom, look at me how pitiful.  Can't I get in the front with you"?

 "Hey, hey, there she is"!

A few updates on things going on-
1.  Em is 100% back to normal and feeling great.  Glad that's over.
2.  Baby Finley who has been battling RSV is finally out of the hospital after 5 days. Hoping her recovery continues to be positive. Keep her in your prayers!
3.  Lastly, Denny's father underwent surgery to repair/fix/remove an Abdominal Aneurysm yesterday.  Very risky procedure that went great.  He has been released from the hospital and is at home recovering.  Please keep he and Denny's Mom in your prayers.  She will need them to take care of him!  Not a good patient...  Just sayin'.