Friday, November 25, 2011

Emerson's pick to be published

Emerson asked that these 2 pictures be posted on the blog.  She is very proud of her pumpkin she decorated at school a few weeks ago (that I just threw in the trash) and the second is her apple picture she sketched on my phone.  Pretty good I think!

Book Festival and Troop A Day

I think I was putting the finishing touches on a cake, so Denny took Em to the Book Festival and to Troop A Day. She is a HUGE Clifford and Curious George fan, so it was very exciting seeing then at the festival.
Troop A Day is a fun family safety event held in Blue Bayou's Parking lot and it educates the public about all kinds of safety and it also showcases all the different areas/departments of Troop A. It is always something we look forward to attending.

Audubon Zoo

We never tire of the Audubon Zoo. We spent a gorgeous day last weekend there with Chris, Bridget and the kids. The animals were out and the sun was shining and we could not have planned it better. This is where Chris introduced me to Hipstamatic. Not a new App. but it is new to me and I am having alot of fun playing around with all the different lens and film combinations. Here is mix of what Chris and I took from the Zoo.

Thanksgiving 2011

I am thankful for...


Thanks to a friend, I am a little obsessed with an iPhone App called Hipstamatic. You can take all kind of awesome pictures with it. Just be prepared because I have taken a ton with this App and will be posting alot of them soon. Here are a few I took of Duncan.

We are Back!

Hoping to have the Bandwidth issues out of the way, I can now start posting again. Here are just a few shots I am using as a test post to make sure all is fine. If this post OK, then I will play catchup over the rest of the weekend.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cajun Corn Maze

A few weeks ago we went to the Cajun Corn Maze in Pine Grove. It was a hoot. The Maze was awesome and had some fun activities. They had pig races which was fun to see.
This was a little playhouse size building that was full of corn for the kids to play in.

Halloween 2011

Here are some of my favorites from Halloween week.