Monday, March 28, 2011
The other kid
The birds have been giving him hell lately. He killed one of their friends last week and they have lots to say about it.
He stood like this for at least 45 minutes and did not move. Makes my neck hurt just watching him.
All tucked in
Pinkalicious hair
I always do Em's hair like this for ballet, soccer, swimming and the beach. It works best like this to keep it all out of her face...and I think it is so cute. She decided this weekend, when Bella and Avery were staying with us, that the girls liked it and that she wanted to wear it like this more often. Then the real reason, she has convinced herself that she looks like Pinkalicious with her hair this way. I am going with it. If you see her and her hair is like this, please kindly refer to her as "Pink" for short.
Things of myths and legends
You would have sworn that this child had found a unicorn or Big Foot in our backyard. A ladybug with NO SPOTS. What excitement. She just knew this was the best luck ever. She went on and on about how lucky this was...random. Enter learning experience here. We googled it and learned that there are many, many types of ladybugs and that some actually have no spots, can be yellow and even PINK. That part about blew her mind. Now, she is hunting for pink ladybugs. Will keep you posted.
Monday, March 14, 2011
D. Tigers 6 - Grasshoppers 4
Emerson's soccer team won another game. Again, thanks to the boys. However, we may have underestimated the youngest player on the team.
Kate Williams, MVP, of Saturday's game. Kate has all the sudden come out of her shell and went from no participation, would not step foot on the field, would not kick the ball to playing the entire game! She was the rock star of the game. We are all so proud of her.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Rainy day crafts
What a way to spend part of her Winter Break stuck in the house with bad weather. Good thing I had crafts stashed away. We had fun doing some cool crafts that kept us busy. Emerson received 2 cute cute craft projects as gifts. The first was paper bag puppets that are adorable. We made a lion, an elephant and a frog. She wants to save the parrot and the Moo Cow to do with Denny. 
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ole Miss
As disturbing as this is to us LSU fans, Emerson's "sisters" (Bella and Avery) live in MS and Uncle Scott made sure he taught Emerson "Hotty Totty" as soon as she was old enough to learn it. Last week, Emerson chose these colors, ON PURPOSE, saying she would like to have the Ole Miss colors on for awhile. She also spent the next hour singing "Hotty Totty". THANKS UNCLE SCOTT!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Grandparents Chapel
Friday was Grandparents Chapel at Dunham. The kids preform in the gym and then we have small receptions for the grandparents or special friends that were invited. We missed Kaka and Papa as they were out of town, but Emerson was very excited to have Nannie and Maw Maw AND Paw Paw attend.
This is Emerson's teacher Mrs. Bryant.
Emerson's outgoing personality keeps us on our toes and often gets her in trouble. It was in full affect Friday, as she walked around her very crowded classroom speaking to the grandparents and friends. In preparation for the party, I made the punch and lots of mini muffins. Emerson walked around and asked the people drinking punch and/or eating muffins if they were enjoying their food. If they said yes (like they would tell a 4 year old no) she told then "Great, because my Mom made it. She's the room mother you know." Sweet yes, but a bit embarrassing to say the least.
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