Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Must be in the water around here. Baker has even gotten in the act!

Emerson the Photojournalist

Emerson has taken to walking around with her camera. She took every single one of these pictures. The neighbors tree.
Chloe, the neighbors dog.
Her new Pink Princess Beach Chair that she is most excited about!

Denny calls this the beginning of her abstract collection. We call this- Bird Seed.

We were posed and told to be silly.
Her flower that just bloomed. It came from seeds that her and Kaka planted.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jefferson Baptist End of the Year Party

Monday was the school end of the year party at Jefferson Baptist. They always have a cool train for the kids to ride, lots of jumpy things, lunch and then the playground for the kids. These were all the pictures I got because we did not end up staying more than about an hour before Emerson melted down. I am not sure if it was the extreme heat, the rocks in her sandals, the jumpy's being too hot to play on, the slide being too hot to slide down, the fact that her temporary tattoo was wrinkling, there was no swings that did not already have kids on them OR just the fact she is female that caused her to melt down in the middle of the party, but we left with no lunch and lots of tears. I asked her why she was crying and why she did not want to play with her friends and she said she did not know why she was crying. Typical girl! Emerson and her friend Lillian.
Emerson, Lillian and Via.


Happy 4-0 Aunt Kim! We love you and had a great time at lunch today.

Besides spending some time with Kim today, we went to the LSU lakes to feed the ducks. There are baby ducks everywhere, but today there were some very young ones running around. Emerson and I spent most of our time watching them. So cute!

After lots of errands, baby ducks and lunch with Aunt Kim, she was done.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sierra the Horse

Today was Emerson's last day to spend with Kaka before the parks open. Mom took her to ride Sierra, a 23 year old horse that is bordered at a friends stables. Prince, Em's other horse friend, is not bordered there anymore, but Emerson did not seem to mind.

End of the year party

Tuesday was Emerson's Class end of the year party at the Country Club Park and Spray ground. It is kind of sad to know this is almost the end of our experiences with Jefferson Baptist. Emerson has been friends with some of these kids since they were one year old in the "baby room". Now most will go their separate ways to "big schools". Emerson will do both sessions of summer school at JB and will be done there in July.
This program has been so good for Emerson and she has learned and grown so much. The teachers we have come to know have had such a profound effect on our lives we will remember them always.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two Tail Tom

We are a little consumed with our friend here. Emerson screams like she sees Santa Claus in our backyard every time she sees this guy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 40th Birthday Denny!

Happy Cinco de Mayo Daddy! We love you!

We braved the yucky misty weather Saturday to go to Fest for All downtown. Anywhere there is a place to get her face painted and a sno-ball stand, Emerson will go.
This was yesterday in the car on the way home from school and errands. She very seldom falls asleep in the car anymore, so she must have been very tired.