After a successful Dental cleaning and visit yesterday, Emerson got to pick out something she wanted. (Sometimes it takes a little bribing to get the job done- don't fault me!) Initially the promise was that if she made it thru the dental visit fine then I would take her to the Princess Store out here by our house and she could pick something out. For some reason she has been scared and cries at the Dentist and has not allowed them to clean or x-ray. So, we offered a reward if you will.
After the visit was over- and she did great- I asked her what she wanted for lunch that I would take her where she wanted to go. She asked to go to the Mall and play in the kids play area, eat Chic-Fil-A and ride the carousel. All before going to the princess store. We head there and are walking toward the elevator in the middle of the mall and Emerson spots the knock-off pillow pets kiosk. She shrieks with excitement and goes on and on about how she has wanted one her whole like and the Easter bunny did not bring her one and oh how she needs one blah, blah, blah. She runs up to it and starts looking at all of them. I tell her if she wants to she can have one of these as the reward instead of going to the princess store, but that it was up to her and she can choose. OF COURSE, she chooses what she has wanted her whole life...a pillow pet.
Meet Flower the Elephant. Emerson has not put this thing down and slept with it because it is a pillow you know!!
She is now planning her sleep over at Isabelle's and is asking for us to drop her off down the street so she can stay with Isabelle and they can share the pillow pet as they sleep in her bed.
She never stops planning that girl. This thing makes her so happy. Wonder what she will ask for after the next dental visit.

To check out the real pillow pets-
By the way the real pillow pets are machine washable. Flower however, is not! YUCK!