Wednesday, April 28, 2010

She got the message

Well, her rooms got cleaned up. She was starting to get it once she did not get to go to the church fair. We had signed her up for a Curious George Party at the library Tuesday night and she had her best boyfriend Oliver's birthday party tonight at "Chuck E. Cheez-its" and was not going if she still refused to pick up. Holding those 2 things over her head was enough to light a fire under her because she had it all picked up in 10 minutes. She did try and talk her way out of the cleaning by telling me this about Oliver's party. "Mom, I will be going to Oliver's party! It will not start without me!"
You can imagine my response. She picked it all up.
The Curious George story time was cute. She is so crazy about George right now it is unreal. She will watch the Curious George Goes Green DVD she got for Easter over and over again. They read the kids a George book, sang a song, played a game and did 2 crafts.

Nunella (Stacie) gave Emerson this umbrella for Easter. Emerson has not had an umbrella for awhile and has not put this thing down since she got it. This morning she hung out in the backyard like this. Blue Cinderella nightgown...check. Raincoat...check. New princess umbrella...check.

I took these pictures thru the back door. She was so funny just relaxing in her chair. At one point she is singing a song and patting her hands up and down like she is keeping the beat. Can you see the handle of the umbrella behind her? It's a princess and one of her favorite parts of the umbrella.
Tonight was Oliver's Party at the newly renovated Chuck E. Cheez-its, as Emerson calls it, on Sherwood. Never thought I would ever say a C.E.C. is nice OR clean, but this place is both now. Being on a Wednesday night, the place was all but empty so the kids could run around and have a good time. Emerson spent most of her time on this Horse Race Simulator. She kept telling it she was a Cowboy girl.
So her ears seem to be fine. She has not complained one bit about them. Had treatment #3 for the Mulluscum and we will now administer the treatment ourselves at home a few times a week until they are gone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ears are fine

Emerson's surgery went fine today. She was a bit upset when they took her back to surgery and just pissed when she was waking up in recovery screaming she wanted to go home and that her ear hurt. She was better once we got in the car and headed home. A few hours of rest on the couch and she is back to her old self. I think the worst part of these types of procedures is the anesthesia. Once that wears off they are fine.
This is her one the way this morning. Notice the shiny lips and pj's. She thought it was cool she could go to the Dr. in her pj's. Waiting to be taken back.
At home in much better spirits!

The reason we did not go to the fair

Well, Denny and I had a standoff with Emerson this weekend. She refused,yes refused, to clean up her stuff, so we did not go to the church fair Saturday or Sunday. Each day we told her if she wanted to go then she had to straighten up. It still looks like this today.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bird watching

We have 2 big beautiful cardinal that are hanging out in the big tree in our backyard. Emerson loves to watch for them and insists we get the camera every time she sees one. This day they had both been feeding and sitting on the fence for awhile. This is the only guy we could get a picture of but Em insisted. This is her bird watching post. She asked me to take a picture of her flower purse.
I think the Easter candy is multiplying in the cabinet. It was a big day for her to get to eat the Hello Kitty marshmallow gummy sucker thing.

AgMagic Field Trip

Yesterday the kids had the AgMagic field trip at Parker Coliseum on campus. It was all a blur as every school kid in Baton Rouge was there at the same time Em's classes was. Denny and I took Em last year to this and I liked watching Emerson get into all the things she was too young to understand last year. Of course the highlight was the animals and the chocolate ice cream after.

Things seem to be calming down around here for the time being (knocking on wood). Emerson's chin is healing nicely. It is amazing that the one week mark is pretty much when you can start to see improvement in a wound like that. The blood drainage stopped Saturday and the strips holding it all together started to come off on Monday. She pulled them the rest of the way off and it looks great.

We had her second Dermatologist appointment Monday and she had another treatment for the molluscum. Does not bother her one bit and I am hopeful we will be able to say it is all gone just in time for the swimming pool and the beach.

Now, we will go in Monday AM for a quick surgery to remove her tubes. She should be back to normal in time for school the next day. Say a few prayers for us that all goes well!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ascension Urgent Care Visit #2

We visited Urgent Care again today. She has not complained about her chin one time since the accident happened. It does not seem to bother her at all, but it started bleeding thru the glue last night and started again today so we went back for them to check it out. We opted to put Steri-Strips over the liquid stitches that will fall of by themselves- instead of pulling the Dermabond off and starting over. AS IF I was going to hold her down while they ripped her chin off to glue it back together again- by myself. No thanks, another option please.
She was not thrilled at having to go back to that place, but she did well. Hopefully this will help hold everything in place long enough for her skin to heal.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Emerson's new hobby

Whenever we go out, I guess we will have to walk around with a picture disclaimer telling the public that their presence in that store is enough for Emerson to use their likeness in anyway she, or her mother, feels necessary. Apparently, Emerson took pictures with my phone while we shopped in target today. These are the only 2 that came out.
I guess this can be her job on the side, because I don't think LSU cheerleaders get paid too much. She told me she was taking pictures, but I thought she was pretending. Had no idea she even knew how to do it on my phone.

War wound

Emerson is pretty proud of her wound and had a great time showing everyone at school. She assured me she would not let anyone touch it. She has not complained once. I think she will be fine. She is very concerned about the future of bike riding. At first last night on the way home from getting the liquid stitches, she said, " I think I may need to take a little break from bike riding for a while Dad." Today she is all, "I really like my bike and maybe I can just ride not on the street and maybe I can walk the bike up the driveway."
We told her boo-boos are apart of being a kid and this probably would not be the last time she gets hurt on her bike. She had no response, which was surprising!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Well I think we can officially call Emerson a kid now. Not a baby or a toddler, but a kid. We had our first flying over the handle bars of the bike accident that resulted in Denny and I rushing a bleeding, screaming Emerson to an Urgent Care Clinic to have her chin closed up this evening. It was not deep enough to get a stitch, but needed to be closed up so they glued it shut. Not so bad really, just a scary experience.
All of this drama after a long day of appointments and errands. We saw a new Dermatologist this morning to work on healing her Mulluscum. I think we will have much better luck with this guy. From there we went to LSU and fed the ducks, more random errands then lunch. All of this killing time until her ENT appointment at 3:25. After lunch we went to Marshall's where Emerson tried on lots of pretty hats. Of course this one was her favorite. More random time killing errands and finally the ENT. Where we finally came to except the fact that after 2 years with tubes they have to come out. One has fallen out and is sitting in the ear canal. Ear healed up fine on its own. The other ear has been giving us lots of trouble and the tube is impacted into the ear drum and could not fall out even if it wanted to. It is pretty much glued in place with old funk and crust thus making it worse for it to be in her ear. So we will do the outpatient procedure in a few weeks to get the tubes out and hopefully be done with the ear plugs and go on our way. Life with a 3 year old never ends.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beauty and The Beast

Denny and I surprised Emerson with Beauty and the Beast tickets Saturday afternoon. I was a great show and she liked it alot. The Beast was a little much for her in some parts but for the most part she loved it all. She says her favorite parts were Chip and when everyone turned human.
After the show was over we spent some time with Mike the Tiger waiting for Rock-N-Sake to open. Of course he was sleeping, but he was close so she could see him taking a nap.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Big League's of Baton Rouge Field Trip

This morning was a field trip to the Big League's of Baton Rouge. What an impressive place. Off of Burbank and Gardere on acres of land a group of ex-professional ball players have gotten together and build an incredible sports complex that is intended to teach kids about sports and exercise. These guys were so great with the kids and all took time to interact with all of our children. You can tell they love what they do and truly take it seriously.
The kids hit baseballs indoors and outside, ran the bases, they ran obstacle courses and got to jump in a jumpy thing. They had such a good time and were tired once it was over.

Meet Flower. Emerson's Pillow Pet

After a successful Dental cleaning and visit yesterday, Emerson got to pick out something she wanted. (Sometimes it takes a little bribing to get the job done- don't fault me!) Initially the promise was that if she made it thru the dental visit fine then I would take her to the Princess Store out here by our house and she could pick something out. For some reason she has been scared and cries at the Dentist and has not allowed them to clean or x-ray. So, we offered a reward if you will.
After the visit was over- and she did great- I asked her what she wanted for lunch that I would take her where she wanted to go. She asked to go to the Mall and play in the kids play area, eat Chic-Fil-A and ride the carousel. All before going to the princess store. We head there and are walking toward the elevator in the middle of the mall and Emerson spots the knock-off pillow pets kiosk. She shrieks with excitement and goes on and on about how she has wanted one her whole like and the Easter bunny did not bring her one and oh how she needs one blah, blah, blah. She runs up to it and starts looking at all of them. I tell her if she wants to she can have one of these as the reward instead of going to the princess store, but that it was up to her and she can choose. OF COURSE, she chooses what she has wanted her whole life...a pillow pet.
Meet Flower the Elephant. Emerson has not put this thing down and slept with it because it is a pillow you know!!
She is now planning her sleep over at Isabelle's and is asking for us to drop her off down the street so she can stay with Isabelle and they can share the pillow pet as they sleep in her bed.
She never stops planning that girl. This thing makes her so happy. Wonder what she will ask for after the next dental visit.

To check out the real pillow pets-

By the way the real pillow pets are machine washable. Flower however, is not! YUCK!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bird watching

We have some of the most beautiful Cardinals hanging out in the trees in the backyard and Emerson asked me to get some pictures of them. Of course that is easier said then done. I did get some pics of her though.

Hula from Hawaii

Trina, Michael and the kids attended a wedding in Hawaii a few weeks ago and they brought Emerson back this hula skirt, top and shell necklace. OH MY!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Emerson has been asking for some Lellie Kelli shoes for months. There is a commercial that runs on Noggin and every time she sees it she screams with excitement and tells me how much she NEEDS these shoes. Leave it to Kaka to find them for her and get them. WOW, these are some shoes and somebody is going to take her down for them in Wal-Mart for sure.

Well, the Lellie Kelli shoes are way too big, but she does not care she says we are keeping them and waiting until she grows into them. Along with the shoes, as advertised and as specifically noted by Emerson, the shoes come with a makeup cell phone. Yep, 4 eye shadows and 4 lipsticks and 2 mini makeup brushes to apply with. Of course, this is just as important than the shoes and she had not let it go all day. Don't have any pics of this for some reason, but needless to say she walked around most of the day with way too much pink shimmery lipstick and eyeshadow all over for her forehead because that is where she wanted it. By 5:30 she had broken all 4 of the eye shadows and was in such a dramatic tissy she insisted it go back to the store because it was ruined. All the lipstick was still there, how I have no idea she had so much on, but she insists it go back to the store. Once we crawl out from under the pile of candy and stuff, we will put her straight to bed.

Easter Basket

The bunny was good to Em this year. She got lots of great things and he even brought Baker something and put it in Em's basket. Emerson got some clothes, a game for her Leapster, a movie, 2 books and some random Dollar Store stuff that she has yet to put down. Baker got a new collar, but preferred the Reese's peanut butter eggs. Emerson left the bunny some orange juice, carrots, celery and tomatoes. She said those are all things bunnies like and he did because he almost cleaned his plate.