Thursday, July 30, 2009
Last day of...
Summer Mother's Day out and being in Mrs. Rhonda and Mrs. Jamie's class! I think I had a much harder time saying goodbye to these 2 women then Emerson did. I really choked back the tears today when I dropped her off and picked her up. Emerson has loved every single minute in this class and we will miss them terribly. Thank you Rhonda and Jamie for making her sing, smile, dance and laugh.
LSU Dress
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Baton Rouge Zoo
Friday Emerson and I went to the Baton Rouge Zoo with Lauren and Lola. It was hot, but the girls had a good time. As we know, the Baton Rouge Zoo does not even compare to Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, but it was so nice, clean and enjoyable Friday. The food was great and the bathrooms were air conditioned and spotless. We went right when the park opened and all the animals were still up and about before the heat forced them into early naps. The girls ran and the heat did not seem to bother them at all. Lola turns 2 on Saturday, so we are all getting geared up for her party. These 2 girls are all about their cake so they are very excited about the party.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cinderella Ball
Each branch of the library holds a Cinderella Ball at the end of their Summer Reading Program. Tonight we, along with Isabelle and her parents, took Emerson to this event all dressed up in her best princess attire. Does not look much different than most of the pictures you see of her already, but the girls had a great time and they could not have been happier dressed up and dancing around. They played Princess Bingo, did a craft, took pictures with the Fairy Godmother in front of a pumpkin carriage and danced around with the other princesses. I think she will be talking about this for awhile.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Isabelle
Emerson's best buddy, Isabelle, had her 3rd birthday party Sunday at our neighborhood pool. It was a beautiful day and the party was fun. The girls had a great time swimming and playing. They had pizza, an ice cream bar and then the cutest cupcake cake I have seen. Great idea that I will have to file away for future parties of my own.
The Birthday Princesses
An interesting read
Our new phone book came today. Emerson has been very excited about this delivery. Here she is in her playroom eating watermelon and reading the phone book. When asked how she liked it she replied, "It is bery interestin' Mom. There's lots of stuff in here. I will call you if I need you to know a word. OK Mom. OK". 
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How 3 looks
We are recovering from the birthday festivities that lasted almost 2 weeks. We have spent the week cleaning and trying to get organized with the influx of new gifts and toys. She loves it all and wants to play with it all- all the time- everywhere! She is feeling very old these days and uses this new found "maturity" to disclaim most of her statements to us these days. She is all "Because I am a 3 now" and "I am a big girl now Mom because I am 3" to try and convince us she can now do something not previously allowed to do. Pretty slick if you ask me! However, she was not prepared for us to use this new found "Threedom" as well. We ask to her to pick up all the new toys she has drug out and she either refuses or throws herself down, as only a 3 year old drama queen would, and begs for help because "I CAN'T DO IT". And we are all "You are 3 now Emerson. Not only can you do it, but you will." Screaming and crying in sues. Blah, blah blah...
We are 12 days into 3 and it SUCKS!

We are 12 days into 3 and it SUCKS!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday Emerson...Again
We had Emerson's party Sunday evening and it was wonderful. The bad weather passed while we all ate and had cake and ice cream. Then the kids got to go play in the Polliwag Pond. They all had lots of fun and I think all slept very well Sunday night. She loved her cake and I am pleased with how it came out. It took me 2 days, but well worth the effort for her birthday.

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family and we thank you all for helping us celebrate Emerson's 3rd birthday! A special thanks to Mom and Dad for letting us have Emerson's party at her most favorite place- "The slides at Blue Bayou". I guess one day she will find out there is a lot more to Blue Bayou then just her one special little place, but for now we will keep it our secret.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Princess Pez
Happy 3rd Birthday Emerson!!!!!!
I really can't believe Emerson is 3 years old. It goes by so fast, I am trying to remember all those moments when she was born. I started crying on July 4 and thought I was over the hump Sunday until we started singing "Happy Birthday" to her. Because Em's b-day is on the 5th and typically falls during a holiday weekend, we never do her big party on her actual b-day. Her big party is next weekend. Sunday we celebrated at home with 20 of our closest friends and family. She is most excited about the goldfish she named Nemo that Trina, Roman and Gabby gave her and the Princess Collection Pez my parents gave her.
Here are the yummy chocolate/chocolate cupcakes I made for her. She is definitely our child- she likes her chocolate.
4th of July
We spent July 4th with the usual crew of friends celebrating the day, as well as, Wyatt's 8th b-day that is this week and Emerson's 3rd b-day that was Sunday. We ate too much, but had a great meal and the kids had lots of fun playing. The kids are always a wild group when they are together, so it was good that they played outside until the mosquito's drove us inside.
Baby Reid's first July 4th Extravaganza...
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