I went out of town this weekend and I brought Emerson back a new crown. Hers broke and she has been lost without it. The crown came packaged with earring, a necklace and a ring. She has not been without these new jewels since we opened them. She will not wear the earring, but she does want them near her at all times, so she puts them in a handbag and insists on carrying it around.
Denny took this picture this evening as she pranced around in the jewels AND her princess dress. She is such a girly girl. 
This morning we got dressed and ready for school and she ran to her room to put on the jewels. After 10 times of asking me if she can take all her new accessories to school and after 10 times of me telling her no, she finally wised up and asked to bring them in the car. So, here we are going to school this morning. By the way, the minute she got in the car when I picked her up from school the jewels went back on.