Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We made it 1 week

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Chicks Weekend

She also liked touching the pigs noses and riding the fake horse. The chickens really cracked her up.

We have a busy week ahead- ReRe is moving into her new house, School on Tuesday, going to Kaki's for awhile on Wednesday, School on Friday, Roman and Gabby's birthday party on Saturday and Quinn and Kelsey's Graduation party is Sunday. I think I am leaving something out... Oh yeh, have to get ready for Denny's birthday next Monday. I am sure I will have pictures of all the events so keep checking back.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Buckle your seat belt
Did I mention that she was very bad at Mother's Day out Friday. She spent most of the day in "Time Out", which according to her teacher's, do not phase her much. She was guilty of pushing. Wait, that's not it, hitting. Yes, there is more- PULLING HAIR. You can imagine my embarrassment and surprise. I think the doctor's took more than her adenoids. She has been known to hit Denny and me some and we are working on that. But pushing and pulling hair- Oh, no mam I will not have it. If you ask Emerson about the events at school on Friday she will tell you, "Push K.K. Time Out" Or another version is "K.K. push. Not nice. Time Out." She is well aware of what happened and does not seem real concerned. Tomorrow is a school day. We will see how it goes.
As Denny and danced around with Emerson in her room tonight saying our prayers, I realized at what lengths we will go to keep her happy and healthy. She laughed so hard at our bedtime antics and the more she laughed the sillier we danced. There is nothing better than her laughter.
She is growing so fast and it is true they don't stay sweet and little long. She is diving, much like she does on the slides at the park, head first into those testy two's with no fear and such a sense of self. As a friend just told me, "Buckle your seat belt sister. It's gonna be a bumpy ride."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy

Lunch was great- Pizza at Isabella's, our favorite pizza place in Covington. On our way home we also stopped at Bass Pro to check all of that out. She liked the fish.
What a great ending to a busy week.
Anyone have any suggestions on this Terrible Two business- it will wear you out!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Happy and Hungry

We plan to take it easy tomorrow and continue to feel better.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and for checking on her.
Tubes and Adenoids
Check back soon for a post-op update.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
"Schooooo Day"

She is smart, but not that smart. Yet, anyway.
She has decided she wants to wear her backpack and carry her lunch out of the house and to the car when leaving for school. Fine by me- two less things I have to carry. However, she is very concerned about Baker. Is he in the bed and does she need to go get him up by screaming, "Baked get up. Outside." Or is he already outside and she has to run him down to tell him goodbye, which consists of telling him what to do while she is gone. "Bye bye Baked. Stay outside. See tweet tweets." One thing never changes when we leave the house. She has to tell him good-bye either in the form of a kiss or a "pat-pat" on whatever part of the body he will let her touch at the moment. She loves him and it is so sweet.

Monday, April 7, 2008
"I sassy"

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Emerson's new toy

Emerson and Roman in the tub after a few hours of fun.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Not much going on

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETEY! We will celebrate tomorrow night.
Emerson was very excited to go back to school Tuesday- So was I!
She loves to see her friends and has a great time.
Here is a picture of "The alphabet" I talked about in the last post.