What a fun weekend! She is feeling so much better and making up for lost time.
Friday night "ReRe" came over for "pizzie"and helped us hang the alphabet in the playroom. Very large project considering there are 26 letters... Done now and very cute. I will post a picture this week.
Saturday was busy with another "It's My Party" Party and she is a pro at the jump stations and big slides. She is not scared of anything- hit the floor running and never looked back.

Okay, so she looked back, but you know what I mean...

She likes to go down on her belly, feet first.

Denny told Emerson about Ben's party Friday night and how we would go have fun jumping and going down the slides and then sing Happy Birthday. She then asked about cake and ice cream. Once we confirmed cake and ice cream would be served, she talked about it the rest of the night. Clearly she learned of the event WAY to far in advance! Saturday morning we heard her stirring in her bed and the first word out of her mouth was "Cake". She, again, confirmed with us when we got her out of her bed that cake and ice cream would be served. The party was at 1:30- a long time to have to talk about cake and ice cream with a 20 month old that has no concept of time or patience.
She has always been an independent child, but she has this new found sense of independence that I am not sure about. The last few days we have really been spending alot of time outside and she loves it. But she wants to be outside all day. One morning she started asking to go outside at 9am. So, I told her that she could go with Baker- but by herself. She went and got her shoes and proceeded to hang out blowing bubbles, playing with Baker, ringing her bike, playing in her "Beep Beep Car" and walking around the yard(in her pj's I might add). No, I have not lost my mind. It is good for her. I scooped the dog poop and picked up anything she could get into so it was safe. Besides, I can see every move she makes from the living room. Part of me wants her to be this independent, but part of me wonders what it will be like when she is 13!
Happy Birthday Ben we had a blast!